september, 2018 4th and 5th Grade Gaming Group Gunn Memorial Library 5 Wykeham Road, Washington CT, 06794 27sep3:30 pm4:15 pm4th and 5th Grade Gaming Group3:30 pm - 4:15 pm Gunn Memorial Library, 5 Wykeham Road, Washington CT, 06794 Event Details4th and 5th graders are welcome to join our after school gaming group! Kids will have the chance to play a variety of digital games. Event Details 4th and 5th graders are welcome to join our after school gaming group! Kids will have the chance to play a variety of digital games. Time (Thursday) 3:30 pm - 4:15 pm LocationGunn Memorial Library5 Wykeham Road, Washington CT, 06794 Learn More CalendarGoogleCal