july, 2019

Event Details
The Hickory Stick Bookshop will host a discussion and signing with Joel Levitt, author of The Tree of Lives: A Journey Through Genealogy (Arkett Publishing, $14), on Sunday, July 28th at 2pm. The Tree
Event Details
The Hickory Stick Bookshop will host a discussion and signing with Joel Levitt, author of The Tree of Lives: A Journey Through Genealogy (Arkett Publishing, $14), on Sunday, July 28th at 2pm.
The Tree of Lives is the story of Levitt’s immigrant ancestors and their descendants as they arrived and settled in the Golden Land. Within its pages of histories, photos, documents and family trees are wedding bandleaders and nightclub piano players, a Ballet Master and a mobster and generations of strivers from the streets of Brooklyn. This is their tale, and in many ways the tale of all immigrants, spun with a golden thread.
Joel Levitt was born and raised in Brooklyn and has lived in Connecticut for 40 years. His writing has been published in over two-dozen local and national publications, including The New York Times, The Danbury News-Times, Reader’s Digest, Catholic Digest, Forward, Twilight Zone Magazine, Dog Fancy, and Cats Magazine. Levitt has published an online weekly humor blog, “Levitty,” and is currently working on his first play.
This event is free and open to the public. If you are unable to attend this event, you may reserve a signed copy of The Tree of Lives by calling The Hickory Stick Bookshop at (860) 868 0525. For further information about this event please visit www.hickorystickbookshop.com or email [email protected]
(Sunday) 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm