Banned Books Week

september, 2019

22sepallday28FeaturedBanned Books Week(All Day) Hickory Stick Bookshop, 2 Green Hill Road Washington Depot, CT 06793

banned books

Event Details

This week is Banned Books Week and we at The Hickory Stick Bookshop are joining hundreds of bookshops, libraries, and schools across the country in celebrating our Right to Read.

You might be thinking that book bans or challenges don’t happen anymore – that they’re a thing of the past – but sadly that is not the case. In 2018, The ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom tracked 347 challenges of 483 books to libraries, schools, and university materials and services.

We believe that censorship is wrong. Plain and simple. So this week we’ve put together a display in our window featuring some of the most frequently banned or challenged books in America from 2018. Stop by, take a look, read about each book and why they were taken out of libraries and schools, and if you’re feeling inspired, show your support by purchasing a copy for yourself.

Will you join us in shining the light on banned books?


september 22 (Sunday) - 28 (Saturday)


Hickory Stick Bookshop

2 Green Hill Road Washington Depot, CT 06793