Meet and Greet with Howland Blackiston

april, 2019

27apr1:00 pm4:00 pmFeaturedMeet and Greet with Howland Blackiston1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Washington Supply Company, 2 Calhoun Street, Washington Depot, CT

Event Details

Join us for an introduction to beekeeping with Howland Blackiston. Mr. Blackiston has been a back yard beekeeper since 1984, He has appeared on dozens of TV and radio programs including Discovery Channel, CNBC,CNN and NPR.

He has written many articles and has been a key note speaker at conferences in more than 40 countries and a frequent speaker at Garden clubs and Nature centers around the USA.

He is a past president of The Back yard Beekeepers Association..


(Saturday) 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Washington Supply Company

2 Calhoun Street, Washington Depot, CT