march, 2018
30mar4:00 pm5:00 pmNestWatch: A Citizen Science OpportunityHelp the bluebirds4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Event Details
Would you like to help bluebirds? We ask for your help with monitoring bluebird boxes during nesting season. A training session will be held on March 30, 2018 prior to
Event Details
Would you like to help bluebirds? We ask for your help with monitoring bluebird boxes during nesting season. A training session will be held on March 30, 2018 prior to the field season, which runs from April 1st through September 1st.
Citizen science is a method where non-professionals contribute to scientific studies. It has proved to be an effective way of performing projects, some that may not be achievable otherwise, while engaging and educating the community.
NestWatch is one such nationwide effort that relies on this group of individuals. Initiated by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, it is designed to track the status and trends in the reproductive biology of birds. Documenting successes and failures of nesting birds not only provides insight to professional ornithologists, but also to SRA, which strives to best steward the land for a variety of wildlife including cavity-nesting birds like the bluebird.
People of all ages and experience levels are invited to participate in our second year of this project. Citizen scientists will have a unique look into a breeding bird’s life by observing construction of a nest, counting eggs laid and hatched, watching the development of offspring, recording behavior of adults, and documenting invasions by other animals.
“Being a part of NestWatch helps me to feel connected to the natural world in a time of tech overload. Going out to Macricostas Preserve and witnessing the bluebirds building their nests restores my faith that Mother Nature has a master plan, and we are all part of it”, shared volunteer Joan Temple when reflecting on the past season.
Our March 30 training begins at SRA’s office located at 2 Green Hill Road, Washington Depot, CT 06794. Following the indoor session, carpool to the bluebird box trail at Macricostas Preserve to see our bird boxes and perhaps even some birds. All ages are welcome; however, children must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is required and donations are gratefully accepted. Please register below or call the office at (860) 868-9131 Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.
(Friday) 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Steep Rock Association860 868 9131 116 Christian Street, New Preston, CT