october, 2019

Event Details
Flowering and foliage houseplants thrive outdoors during the summer months and the transition to the indoor home environment for winter can be challenge. In this illustrated talk Barb Pierson will share
Event Details
Flowering and foliage houseplants thrive outdoors during the summer months and the transition to the indoor home environment for winter can be challenge. In this illustrated talk Barb Pierson will share species specific growing instructions and simple techniques too insure that your favorite plants remain happy all year!
Barbara Pierson graduated form Cornell’s School of Horticulture with a degree in Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture. She is the Nursery Manager at White Flower Farm where she is the face and voice of many of the how-to gardening videos on their website. Her encyclopedic knowledge of ornamentals and edibles mean that her talks are both enormously instructive and highly entertaining.
(Saturday) 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Hollister House Garden
300 Nettleton Hollow Road, Washington CT, 06793
Hollister House GardenPamela Moffett 300 Nettleton Hollow Road