april, 2018

Event Details
SingOut! CT, Connecticut's Premier Glee Group for Young Voices, returns for a concert to welcome in the spring. This performance, part of the Gunn Memorial Library Musicians Series, will be
Event Details
SingOut! CT, Connecticut’s Premier Glee Group for Young Voices, returns for a concert to welcome in the spring. This performance, part of the Gunn Memorial Library Musicians Series, will be held across the street from the library in Wersebe Hall at the Parish House to accommodate the anticipated number attending.
Talented boys and girls of this Ensemble will perform selections from the American Songbook, Classical surprises, Broadway favorites, beautiful folk songs, and popular Music. This concert is sure to brighten your day and keep you humming for weeks to come.
This talented Ensemble is comprised of singers aged 8-18 and currently has both Training and Performance Divisions. Founded in August of 2012, this group has established itself as a creative force in the Northwest Corner of Connecticut and beyond. An annual Holiday Show and Spring Garden Concert have become anticipated Calendar Events as part of their general schedule. SingOut! CT dedicates itself to offering education in the choral and vocal arts to enlighten, inspire and elevate both its members and its audiences.
For more information visit www.singoutct.org
Artistic Director, Alecia Evans is a graduate of San Francisco Conservatory and North Carolina School of the Arts. She performed in Broadway and National Tours and was a Conductor for the renowned Piedmont Choirs in California which trained young vocalists for musical careers. She has sung professionally for over 30 years as a soloist and in musical theater and concert work. Ms. Evans lives in Warren CT with her daughter Eva, who is a member of SingOut!
(Sunday) 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm