october, 2017

Event Details
In the second race of the series, the Hidden Valley Preserve 15K, runners will get to experience the beauty of the Shepaug River, lookout summits of the valley below,
Event Details
In the second race of the series, the Hidden Valley Preserve 15K, runners will get to experience the beauty of the Shepaug River, lookout summits of the valley below, the quartz mine, and the iconic Thoreau Bridge at the entrance to the park. The 15K course is more gentle rolling in nature and is not quite as much elevation per mile as the Macricostas 10K, but still has its challenges with plenty of singletrack and a few short steep climbs to lookout points. The shorter 5K option will include at least one of the lookout points plus the crossing of the Thoreau Bridge just before the finish. Again, hikers and walkers are more than welcome in the 5K!
T-shirts will be offered to all preregistered runners in the 15K.
Refund Policy: There will no refunds and/or no transfers of your registration or bib to any other person. Entry fees collected are used to develop and produce the event, starting well in advance of the race date–including course preparation, race supplies, permits, and administration.
Hikers/walkers are welcome to do the 5K. Runners wishing to drop down from the 15K race to 5K may do so before race day by emailing the race director.
To register or inquire more information, visit Steep Rock Trail Series.
(Sunday) 8:00 am - 11:00 am
Hidden Valley Preserve
198 Bee Brook Rd., Washington Depot 06794