Author & Journalist Ramin Ganeshram will deliver a talk & signing on her recently published book. The General’s Cook, is the historical fiction novel about George Washington’s enslaved chef, Hercules,
Event Details
Author & Journalist Ramin Ganeshram will deliver a talk & signing on her recently published book. The General’s Cook, is the historical fiction novel about George Washington’s enslaved chef, Hercules, known in his own time for his culinary skills. Told with vivid and savory detail, Ganeshram brings Hercules, America’s first celebrity chef, to life with all his flamboyancies. It also casts new valuable insight on the complicated legacy of our founding father and the institution of slavery, while highlighting multiple intrigues and the heart wrenching choices Hercules is forced to make including the most important one – laying the ground for a covert bid for freedom.
Books will be available for sale & signing at the event, courtesy of Hickory Stick Bookshop.