october, 2018

Event Details
Gunn Memorial Library in Washington, CT is pleased to welcome back literary scholar Mark Scarbrough as he leads a five week course The Soul Ajar: An Emily Dickinson Literature Course.
Event Details
Gunn Memorial Library in Washington, CT is pleased to welcome back literary scholar Mark Scarbrough as he leads a five week course The Soul Ajar: An Emily Dickinson Literature Course. The classes will be Mondays at 10:00am on September 24, October 1, October 15, October 22 and October 29, 2018 in the library’s Wykeham Room.
Participants will read as a class a small selection of the poems from perhaps the most inscrutable, dazzling, and confounding poet the United States has ever produced. Tucked away in her room, safe in her own alabaster chamber, Dickinson crafted lyrics that still defy interpretation, that cue the soul toward its deeper sources, and that explore the full range of human emotions: rage to love, neediness to freedom. There will be no set readings, no “homework readings” each week. Instead, come prepared as a class to encounter a curated set of poems that will both define and hide the poet who crafted them. Please sign up now to reserve a spot.
The required book is THE POEMS OF EMILY DICKINSON: A READING EDITION, edited by R. W. Franklin and published by the Belknap imprint of Harvard University Press. You’ll find this edition for sale at The Hickory Stick Bookshop.
(Monday) 10:00 am - 12:00 pm