may, 2019

Event Details
Which tools should you use, how should you use them, and how you should care for them Do you ever wonder what’s the difference between a pitch fork and a digging
Event Details
Which tools should you use, how should you use them, and how you should care for them
Do you ever wonder what’s the difference between a pitch fork and a digging fork or how to make your edger work and look like new again? Mike Giapponi of Steep Rock Association and Jay Combs and Dave Slauson of Washington Supply will answer all your tool questions. For an interactive event, bring your tools; share your favorite weeder, find out how to use the funny looking one you found online or get your tools in shape for the season. Washington Supply Company will have sharpening tools available.
(Saturday) 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Steep Rock Association860 868 9131 116 Christian Street, New Preston, CT