may, 2025

Event Details
Herbariums have been used for centuries to document and preserve plant species for scientific study. Today pressing plants serves both botanical and artistic purposes. Explore the history of herbariums and the
Event Details
Herbariums have been used for centuries to document and preserve plant species for scientific study. Today pressing plants serves both botanical and artistic purposes.
Explore the history of herbariums and the art of flower pressing in this fun workshop. Learn techniques for pressing and preserving plants, and explore ways to use your specimens- whether for creating botanical artwork, building a personal herbarium, or as a special way to document your home garden. You will put together your own 8×10 inch wooden flower press, practice some basic pressing skills and learn what you need to start your own pressed plant collection. (Class size limited to 15.)
Lisa Zurles is Hollister House Garden’s education manager, a native plant enthusiast and a Connecticut Master Woodland Manager. She learned to press plants at the Native Plant Trust, where she studied botany and horticulture as part of their Native Plant Studies Certificate program. She loves sharing the joy of plants and the myriad way plants and flowers enrich our lives.
HHG Members $30
Non-members $40 (includes admission to the garden)
(Saturday) 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Hollister House Garden
300 Nettleton Hollow Road, Washington CT, 06793
Hollister House GardenPamela Moffett 300 Nettleton Hollow Road