february, 2019

Event Details
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, The Hickory Stick Bookshop will host a discussion and signing with Bob Mandel, author of the new book Smart Love (Mandel, $15), on Sunday,
Event Details
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, The Hickory Stick Bookshop will host a discussion and signing with Bob Mandel, author of the new book Smart Love (Mandel, $15), on Sunday, February 10th at 2pm.
Don’t judge a book by its cover; or its back cover. There are two sides to every coin. When it comes to love, there are two people, two minds, two hearts, and two histories trying to merge into one story.
In his new book Bob Mandel gives life to the contrapuntal argument that exists in every loving relationship. He examines, with wit and wisdom, opposing points of view regarding the beginning, middle, and end of relationships – is it wise to fall in love, is love never having to say you’re sorry, is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, should you put yourself first or let your partner be number one, should you speak up or keep your mouth shut and not rock the boat??? Blending personal stories with contradictory truths, Bob gives new meaning to the old adage, “there’s more than one way to skin a cat.”
In the end, Bob inspires you to discover your Love IQ, tapping your innate intelligence to make appropriate decisions while respectfully disagreeing with your partner’s unending need to be right.
Bob Mandel, a resident of Washington Depot CT, is a universally acclaimed seminar leader and author of numerous self-help and children’s books, including Open Heart Therapy, Two Hearts Are Better Than One, Birth & Relationships, and 9 Journeys Home. The founder of both the International Self-Esteem Project and Project Heaven, Bob works throughout Europe, North and South America, helping men, women and children, families and companies to improve their relationships and create greater fulfillment in all aspects of life. His book Smart Love is a series of points and counterpoint, debating some of the most common disagreements in relationships.
This event is free and open to the public. If you are unable to attend this event, you may reserve a signed copy of Smart Love by calling The Hickory Stick Bookshop at (860) 868 0525.
(Sunday) 2:00 pm