New Beginnings Divorce Support Group

september, 2019

This is a repeating event

03sep6:30 pm8:30 pmNew Beginnings Divorce Support Group6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Event Details

New Beginnings is a single-life ministry of The First Congregational Church. Our purpose is to provide a Christian focused church-based program for single adults. We seek to help single adults to find purpose and wholeness in all dimensions of their lives—physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual. At the heart of our ministry are our support groups, which offer healing and personal growth to participants. We also have a social component to our ministry, which provides opportunities to meet new friends and enjoy new experiences.

Divorce Support Group – We offer a ten-week Divorce Support Group on Tuesday evenings which is closed to new members after the second week of each cycle. This group is intended for those who are struggling with issues related to separation and divorce. It is also beneficial for those beyond the initial crisis of divorce who are still struggling with unresolved issues relative to the loss of their intimate relationship. Contact us for the starting date of our next ten-week cycle. Or check our home page for current announcements on upcoming open registration.

Please note that pre-registration is required for all of these groups. Please contact us to find out when the next group may be offered. Call the church at 860-868-0569, or email us for additional information.


(Tuesday) 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm