New Beginnings Pot Luck Supper

september, 2019

This is a repeating event

06sep6:00 pmNew Beginnings Pot Luck Supper6:00 pm

Event Details

New Beginnings is a single-life ministry of The First Congregational Church. Our purpose is to provide a Christian focused church-based program for single adults. We seek to help single adults to find purpose and wholeness in all dimensions of their lives—physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual. At the heart of our ministry are our support groups, which offer healing and personal growth to participants. We also have a social component to our ministry, which provides opportunities to meet new friends and enjoy new experiences.

Social Activities -Another important part of our mission is to provide a safe and supportive place for people to be single. Our weekly Friday night pot luck suppers are very popular with our members. Many feature a special program or theme. Theater trips, concerts, dances, hikes, picnics on Lake Waramaug and book discussion groups are some of other events that round out our overall social program. Come join us!


(Friday) 6:00 pm