june, 2019

Event Details
Yale College Professor, Dr. Mark Schenker will present a companion lecture, The Errors in Comedy of Errors, to his first presentation. Dr. Schenker will explore the tragicomic elements of the
Event Details
Yale College Professor, Dr. Mark Schenker will present a companion lecture, The Errors in Comedy of Errors, to his first presentation. Dr. Schenker will explore the tragicomic elements of the play that point us to darker themes in Shakespeare’s tragedies and especially his “problem plays”. The errors in the play are misunderstandings, mainly based on judging from appearances. But those errors are not slight. Because the play is a comedy, those errors are corrected eventually—and improbably. And yet, but for its neat resolution of confusions, The Comedy of Errors has the makings of tragedy, and serves as a reminder of how closely allied the comic and the tragic are in Shakespeare’s body of work.
Sponsored by Friends of Shakespeare in the Litchfield Hills & Shakesperience Productions – visit shakesperience.org
(Thursday) 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Gunn Memorial Library
5 Wykeham Road, Washington CT, 06794