december, 2019
This is a repeating eventdecember 17, 2019 6:45 pm

Event Details
INTER-DISTRICT STRINGS PROJECT Grades 6-12 adults | Waterbury Symphony Orchestra Shepaug Valley School Band Room, Washington Students who play the violin, viola, cello, or bass won’t want to miss this incredible opportunity to
Event Details
Grades 6-12 adults | Waterbury Symphony Orchestra
Shepaug Valley School Band Room, Washington
Students who play the violin, viola, cello, or bass won’t want to miss this incredible opportunity to work and perform with musicians of the Waterbury Symphony Orchestra. Young musicians will learn a varied repertoire from WSO professionals in small groups, focusing on fundamental techniques, ensemble skills, and musical interpretation. This project culminates in four in-school performances where participants play side-by-side with twenty WSO musicians. A minimum of one year of experience playing a string instrument and the ability to read music is required. Space is limited per instrument.
2019 | Tuesdays, Dec. 10, 17, Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11, 25, Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24
(Snow dates: Tuesday, Mar. 31 and Thursday, April 2)
Tuning 6:45-7:00pm, Rehearsal 7:00-8:30pm
Monday, April 6, 6:30-8:30pm Dress Rehearsal at Nonnewaug High School (Snow date: Tuesday, April 7)
Tuesday, April 7, 8:00am-1:00pm In-School Concerts at Nonnewaug High School (Snow date: Wednesday, April 8)
Tuesday, April 7, 7:00pm Evening family performance at Nonnewaug High School (Snow date: Wednesday, April 8)
13 sessions: $156
(Tuesday) 6:45 pm - 8:30 pm
Shepaug Valley School
159 South Street, Washington, CT
ASAP!475-237-1552 6 Bee Brook Rd. Washington Depot CT 06794