What Happened After Impressionism?

july, 2019

12jul5:30 pm7:00 pmFeaturedWhat Happened After Impressionism?5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Washington Art Association & Gallery, 4 Bryan Memorial Plaza, Washington Depot, CT 06794

washington ct

Event Details

The so-called “post-impressionists” were artists so independently genius, that nomenclature broke down. These bold explorers were gasping with inspired breath as they forged ahead with a bounty of experiments that would change the “pretty picture” forever. We will investigate the period from 1886, the year that held the last Impressionist exhibition, until 1907, the start of the cubist movement. Old favorites such as Pointillism and Fauvism will be discussed, as well as movements less known, including Cloisonnism, Japonism, Nabism, Primitivism and Symbolism.

FridayJuly 12
5:30 pm – 7 pm
mbr $15, non-mbr $17


(Friday) 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm


Washington Art Association & Gallery

4 Bryan Memorial Plaza, Washington Depot, CT 06794