A Message From First Selectman Jim Brinton

August 2020
As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, I often reflect on how we as individuals, as well as a community, have handled this crisis. I’m always left feeling very proud of our town. While we have not remained untouched by the tragedies of coronavirus, we have continued to embrace the values that make Washington unique. All of our residents have come together to meet the needs of the community. Our businesses, cultural centers, schools, nonprofit organizations and houses of worship have all met the challenges we’ve faced since the outbreak.
One of the biggest hurdles our community is currently facing is the reopening of our schools. In addition to Washington Primary School and Region 12, we have many private institutions facing this challenge. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 I have been in regular communication with our school leaders and their staff and I am one hundred percent confidant in their ability to reopen safely for the children as well as the community.
Looking forward, we continue to work on many exciting initiatives for the town. The Board of Selectmen has been working steadily to bring the next phase of planning the new community center to another public informational meeting. At this next gathering (In person, virtual or a hybrid of both), we will present residents with conceptual renderings of the center and its programs and amenities. As we did in January, we will take your feedback to further fine tune the new community center. We are currently in the engineering phase of a complete overhaul of our transfer station. When complete, we will have a more streamlined, cost efficient and user friendly facility. Stay tuned for continued updates on both of these projects.
In closing, I would urge us all to stop and reflect. Give thought to all the good you’ve witnessed these past seven months. People helping friends and neighbors, taking time out of our busy schedules to help those in need, remaining vigilant and witnessing on a daily basis the creativity and resilience of this amazing community. Thank you to all and stay well.
Jim Brinton
First Selectman
Town of Washington